Tips for Hurricane Season

Here are a few helpful tips for this hurricane season:

Safeguard outdoor furniture

When the wind starts to pick up, any unsecured items in your yard can cause damage to your home or others. Do you have furniture, potted plants, or trash cans? Bring your outdoor furniture inside or invest in an outdoor storage shed to store your items in during a storm. Check your caulk.

Check your caulk

Storm water can potentially get into more places than a normal rain storm. An easy way to protect against water damage is to check the caulking around your home. This is particularly important if you have any electrical wires coming inside your home from the outside.

Stock-Up on Emergency Supplies

To hurricane proof your home and house you need to think about what will be needed to get through the storm and aftermath.

Stock your cabinets and pantry with:

  • Instant meals that can be made without heat
  • Batteries
  • Non-perishable foods
  • Water- a good rule to remember is one gallon per person, per day

You should also take a look at your communication devices and make sure you have a way to power them in case of an outage.

DON’T WAIT TO GET COVERED! Once a storm is headed your way it could be too late to get coverage. The insurance companies can put up a binding restriction for all areas that could be affected by an oncoming storm. It is also important to note that no changes can be made to policies during the binding restriction period set by the company. It is vital to be covered before hand so that any loss you may sustain will be covered.


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